Amari Nova Suites Pattaya

Address: 254 M.9, Soi Petchtrakool, Pattaya City 20260
Srar 4:
Amari Nova Suites Pattaya is located in the popular seaside holiday spot of Pattaya. The hotel provides everything you need and expect with all the convenience from home. Situated in central Pattaya, the hotel has a warm, stylish design and features an outdoor rooftop swimming pool with Jacuzzi, and a gym. All the guest rooms are suitable for short stay visitors or even for people who prefer to stay for a longer period of time.

Facilities for Amari Nova Suites Pattaya

  • Air Conditioning
  • Baby Sitting
  • Broadband Internet
  • Business Center
  • Fitness Center
  • IDD Phone
  • Jacuzzi
  • Laundry
  • Mini-bar
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Parking
  • Restaurant
  • Safe Deposit Box
  • Swimming Pool

Hotel Map for Amari Nova Suites Pattaya

Amari Nova Suites Pattaya

254 M.9, Soi Petchtrakool, Pattaya City 20260

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