Tara Angkor Hotel

Address: Vithei Charles de Gaulle, (Road to Angkor Wat) Siem Reap, Cambodia
Srar 4:
Tara Angkor Hotel is the 4-Star Luxury Hotel built in the mystical land of Angkor. Ideally and conveniently located, Tara Angkor Hotel is situated only 6 km from the World Heritage site of Angkor Wat Temples, 15 min drive from the Siem Reap International Airport, a few minutes stroll to the Angkor National Museum and a short ride to the city town center with an array of Cambodian souvenirs, shopping and culture.

Hotel Map for Tara Angkor Hotel

Tara Angkor Hotel

Vithei Charles de Gaulle, (Road to Angkor Wat) Siem Reap, Cambodia

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